Sunday, June 13, 2010

potrait of old man

besh mesh done in maya and sculpted in i tried to sculpt in clay style i hope u would like it.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

torso study

this sculpt was completely done in zbrush.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

death of a child

this work is inspired by master's work.

Green monster

my all time favourite hulk.

logan's manga version

it is manga version of logan i hope u would like it.

old witch

Besh mesh was done in maya and sculpted in zbrush.and some small retouching done with photoshop.

the terminator

completely scultpted in zbrush.

fight with lion

this is inspired from master's work.base mesh modelled and rigged in maya and posing done in zbrush.

cute angle