Fantastic blog! Finding a perfect job is really very challenging for freelancers. Profitree is an online platform designed to help freelancers and employers to find each other. In order to find jobs or freelancing projects in Lebanon online, kindly visit through the link.
myself lalit verma from rajasthan.when i was pursuing B.A(arts)i entered in multimedia field.i joined Z.I.C.A(
mumbai)and i worked in their productoin departement as a 3dmodeler.then i joined u.t.v worked there as a modeler.and i also have done freelance for vaibhav studio's(mumbai)as a character modeler and did character making in clay from reheja art college(mumbai).i have done work for commercials and animation feature film.
Fantastic blog! Finding a perfect job is really very challenging for freelancers. Profitree is an online platform designed to help freelancers and employers to find each other. In order to find jobs or freelancing projects in Lebanon online, kindly visit through the link.